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Develop new perspectives

Develop new perspectives

You will be able to...

What does it do and who is it for?

What ideas underscore it?

You will be able to…

Develop new perspectives on any subject.
Step outside of your institutionalised thought processes.
Use skills to help you become more collaborative and less oppositional, enhancing creativity.

What does it do and who is it for?

This workshop is geared towards any student who is starting to disengage from ideas and become unenthused about their capabilities .
Facilitates a move from fixed to growth mindset.
The workshop embraces risk-taking, makes us evaluate our own fear of failure, and help us to understand how we learn from our attempts.

What ideas underscore it?

That to be creative is to be open and curious.
That there is no such thing as a bad idea.
When students leave school, value is less in what they know, but more in how they think.

Find out how we can help you

Learn faster, think critically and remember more.

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