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Enlighten Education


for the 21st century student

What can we do to become active engagers rather passive spectators?

As a student, our ability to learn is pretty good. As a human being, our ability to learn is incredible. How can we harness this ability more effectively?

How can we de-mystify the learning journey?

Can we develop cross-curriculum strategies that allow students the insight into how their brains understand information and why they remember?

How can we empower our students to think for themselves?

Simple methods that can be applied whether in the office, at home, or hybrid-working.

Our Courses

A response to the challenges







Critical Thinking

(full day)


Using verbal communication theories to engage diverse audiences,
from hundreds of students to a small inclusion unit.

Tell me I'll forget

Show me I'll remember

Involve me I’ll understand

active and interactive as the basis for optimal learning outcomes

The medium, not the message – build engagement through attachment and developing curiosity before discussing content.


Working across the scales of a business


Strategies to use right now and in the real world – learn quicker, think faster, remember more, develop teamwork, resilience and creativity.


After school sessions and CPD inset days –

Building dialogue around embedding of the principles that the students are now mastering.

Coaching to deliver flip learning lessons with confidence.

Facilitate sessions to cross-pollinate teaching staff from different disciplines to develop new methodologies and approaches.

parents & carers

After-school sessions to explore:

– what the students learnt

– why it works

– how they can support the student at home

How to Enlighten...


Each workshop is designed to last between 90 minutes and two hours to get the maximum from the students and fit within the school timetable.


Up to 80-90 students for Study Skills, Emotional Resilience, Memory, Future Paths, and Creativity.

Up to 60 students for Independent Learning and Critical Thinking.

Inset days for teachers and twilight sessions for parents and carers.


Should you wish to create a bespoke session – a unique time length, fusing different elements from different courses, bigger or smaller audiences, we are happy to create a workshop to suit your needs.

Our adaptable courses are suitable from Key Stage 2 to Teacher Training.

When you're ready to book Enlighten...

We will discuss which workshops best suit your needs for the year groups you have in mind.

We will discuss academic focus. It is important to us to find out what the students are learning at the time, so we can make the sessions ‘site-specific’, i.e. if they are studying a set text, we can refer to it.

We will aim to understand the socio-economic background of the school, as no two places are the same.

Equality in Education

We believe that education should play a fundamental role in creating a fairer society. Not by simply perpetuating the content-led status quo, but by empowering EVERY student with the ability to question the world they live in, to examine the structures that they are confined within, and to create new ways thinking about these realities.
Our programmes represent an opportunity for students to think of themselves
outside of the mirror that their immediate environment holds up to them. A chance to start afresh, without prejudice. Our students are empowered to think for themselves with skills they can use for their whole lives, affecting their futures and positively impacting those around them.

Pandemic Project

The pandemic changed everything about how we all worked.

As leaders in critical thinking and accelerated learning, across education and the professional world, we were asked, if we only had a few minutes with this intake of Year 11s, about to sit their GCSEs, what would we say? How would we motivate students who have been learning online for almost a year? And how would we help them prepare for the next step in their educational journey?

In response, we created an experimental workshop, divided into four bitesize sections, with the power to change the way we think, learn, and remember forever. Instead of being able to recite a few facts, you’ll understand how to learn across every subject.

The pandemic created a powerful negative imbalance in our educational landscape and continues to do so. Every day that the current situation perpetuates, the greater the gap grows between underprivileged students and their peers. And although we recognise that part of the widening attainment gap is due to digital poverty, we are confident that if a student can get online, they will make greater gains using our process-driven methods than taking part in a content-led class.

Equality in Education

We believe that education should play a fundamental role in creating a fairer society. Not by simply perpetuating the content-led status quo, but by empowering EVERY student with the ability to question the world they live in, to examine the structures that they are confined within, and to create new ways thinking about these realities.
Our programmes represent an opportunity for students to think of themselves
outside of the mirror that their immediate environment holds up to them. A chance to start afresh, without prejudice. Our students are empowered to think for themselves with skills they can use for their whole lives, affecting their futures and positively impacting those around them.
